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About Mountainside Gals

It’s a community where lives are being improved through love, purpose, confidence, trust & growth.

How to shop with us

Mountainside Gals has been serving the Frederick, Md area and the greater online community since 2016!
We love our customers like family and value each relationship we’ve built along the way!

Momma Donna Story

Customers are number ONE in my shop; I provide private shopping hours, private styling sessions, host parties, and provide times for local pick-up and boutique (in their home) shopping. If items in my deliveries seem to match up with a special item that my customer is looking for, I notify them that I have the item. If they wish to buy it before I put it in an online party, they can come to my boutique, or I take it to a vendor event. I do lots of giveaways and believe my business blesses the community at large.

The following is an excerpt of a reflection that Momma Donna wrote on my FB VIP page:
Mountainside Gals VIPs

Kirsten and I are so blessed to be able to do this business as I have grown in many ways. One significant “why” to me is that my day-to-day activities are tightly aligned to my life-long goal of making a positive difference in the world. No matter my profession, I see that my calling is to be positive, help others, and bring out the best in others. Many of you know that I came to yet another set of crossroads in June of last year. What was I going to do next?

My daughter had it in her heart to go into business because she was a stay-at-home mom and a full-time college student. You know the traditional “starving” college student, with hardly any money, and you see she had this addiction to LuLaRoe so bad, but there was no way to pay for it. And then, I was laid off (along with 25,000 other employees) from a senior executive position with a publicly-traded company. Facing the dicey election drama, and nobody wanting to hire leadership, my husband told me that he would support me in starting a new business (something I did before), finding a job, or simply staying at home, which was something I was never able to do with my kids. Imagine…I had the opportunity to stay home with my daughter and grandson. Life does not get any better than that right?

Read Full

Now let’s roll back the clock to January 2016. I started a nonprofit in Frederick. Many of my local customers have asked questions, as they see me trending on Facebook with that nonprofit, which is called 100 Women Who Care – Frederick. The creation was inspired by the international group called 100 Who Care Alliance. If you are not local to Frederick, visit the 100 Who Care Alliance website, and please look up the local chapter(s) in your area to connect with if you are interested.

100 Women Who Care – Frederick is a group of women who gather four times a year for a one-hour meeting, learn about local charities, and each member donates a $100 check to a charity that the group selects. This combined donation of $10,000 makes a real impact without time-consuming fundraising events and planning. My Frederick 100+ Women Who Care group has already donated funds to the Heartly House, SOAR, and Federated Charities in 2016. In 2017, I donated to the Women Build program, which is part of our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity.

Here’s the beauty of this. I can honestly say that the LuLaRoe opportunity has given me great fulfillment and satisfaction. Without you, this would not be a realization for me. I am:

– Making a positive difference in my life every day. For those of you who went to high school with me, you know what I put in the yearbook – “you only have one life to live, live it to the fullest and make the best of it.”
– Meeting and greeting you Lovelies every day.
– Hanging with the family daily and watching my grandchildren develop into the most wonderfully mannered and loving people they can be.
– Blessing others every day in every dimension of my life.
– Continuing to grow the depth of my relationship with my loving, amazing husband. In October, it will be 33 years.
– Remembering to be grateful for what God has given me and cherish everything He has blessed me with.

I hope this personal reflection has helped you better understand who I am as a person, and through personal messaging and in-shop visits (as you can), you will learn about and hear stories regarding my family and me.

Many of you have shared so many wonderful things with me, and I am always running around like a chicken with my head cut off when getting ready for a party that I don’t get to share as much as I would like. I truly appreciate the support, patience, and love you all give me when technology platforms choose not to be my friend. I am truly blessed.

#lularoe #thisismywhy #wearelularoe #womenhelpingwomenentrepreneurs #womensupportingwomen #twa #dmvmoms #thinksocial2020 #deannestidham #yesYES #grateful #blessed #thankful #bosslady #mompreneur

The deciding factor for me deciding to join the business as LuLaRoe retailers was our alignment with the company’s values.
I truly believe in and stand by the community within the company itself. I love being of service to others.

The Why?

One of the most important people in our lives, Tim Thomas, my husband, had his first heart attack in Jan 2016 and another in October of the same year. Bobby Lee my 1st grandson was born in April 2015 and Troy in March 2022. Momma Donna was laid off at Xerox where she was a VP in June 2016. I  wanted to be more involved in my grandchildren’s future and monitor Tim’s health. I also have a love for the community and wanted to be a bigger part in making a difference. All of these events motivated me to create an environment to work from home, and be closer together.

Our Journey

Before this venture, I had two other startups that went really well, so based on my experience, I was able to hit the ground running. Since the first month in business (Nov 2016), I have hit the highest tier of LuLaRoe sales incentives, which is a D.R.E.A.M. qualifier, and over the years have attracted some amazing smart-working teammates, achieving the Trainer Leadership status. Throughout this time, I have traveled to different countries with LuLaRoe and attended LuLaRoe’s Leadership Institute. I have been part of creating and leading training and helping other retailers across LuLaRoe learn how to hype, market, and seek the results of their efforts.

The most important part of my journey has been the friendships I have made and/or rekindled over time and the community I have built. I have a local monthly supper to engage with my community and to build each other up. Since the onset of COVID-19, I started a daily Positivity Chat that has brought together women from all over the country to participate.

Contact us for details

Nov 6, 2016

This picture is from my first photo shoot and has been helpful to
inspire other ladies to shop for similar looks.

December 2016 – present

I qualify every month in business
Every day, month, and year, I hustled to reach my goals.
LuLaRoe recognizes my efforts and rewards me handsomely with a trip every year.

APRIL 2017

I attended my first Leadership event where
we received my Trainer Leadership watch
from DeAnne Stidham.

OCT 2017

(I have been a finalist or in the top 5 since 2017)
My customers nominate and vote for me every year and I
have always been in the top 5 or a finalist since this big win.
THANK YOU to our VIPS for believing in me.

SEPT 2018

One of my mentors nominated me for this awesome opportunity
and I had a blast visiting Mark and DeAnne Stidham’s ranch
in Wyoming and learning together how I can hone my leadership skills.

MAY 2021

My daughter picked out my dress from
the Elegant Line. This dress combo
includes a Dani underneath the DeAnne II.

SEPT 2021

(recognized for qualification each month)
Every year I go – this was my most recent trip and I had a blast.

Build Confidence
A Safe Environment
Feel Your Best